L'évaluation à mi-parcours de l'Objectif Spécifique Belgique.
Méta-évaluation des 6 évaluations à mi-parcours du programme COHERENCE.
Scope: Plan International Belgium is looking for a designer who will create, develop and adapt all static visual assets destined to both our internal and external communication. The chosen design partner will work in collaboration with several team members to develop a multitude of visual assets.
The assets include, but are not limited to;
• Advertising material
• Visual assets for our owned platforms; website, social media, newsletters, brochures, signature emails, banners, etc.
• Design of printed material such as flyers and direct mails
• Layout of position papers, research, reports and resource documents
The chosen designer will ensure that all visual assets are coherent elements that make parts of one harmonized communication. He/She/They will also ensure that these assets meet our brand guidelines and requirements.
We are looking for a designer who can be part of our extended Marketing & Communication team. As such, he/she/they will participate in brainstorm sessions or creative moments organised by the team lead.
Since 2016, four Belgian university NGOs including ECLOSIO (the NGO of the University of Liège), Louvain Cooperation (Louvain-la-Neuve), FUCID (Namur) and ULB-Cooperation (Brussels), have decided to implement a common program financed by the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation Belgium (DGD) for a period of 10 years, from 2017 to 2026, under the name of Uni4Coop. Uni4Coop's specificity is to contribute to development by mobilizing the human and scientific resources of the university community.
For the program 2022-2026, Uni4Coop proposed a fully integrated program between Louvain Cooperation and Eclosio in Cambodia. This joint program will enable the two organizations to join forces, strengthen each other, promote exchanges and better capitalize on practices, and generate new expertise at the crossroads of research and development.
Within the outcome of Sustainable Food Systems (SFS), Uni4Coop was granted a PArTNER project (2022 – 2026) which aims at generating economic and social changes in rural farmers families and improving the food market through agroecology transition and gender equity in agriculture. Field-activities are carried out by key partners including (i) the Tramkak Union of Agricultural Cooperatives (TrUAC) in Takeo province, (ii) Battambang Union of Agricultural Cooperatives (BUAC) in Battambang province, (iii) and 3 Agricultural Cooperatives (ACs) in Kampong Thom province, (iv) the Ecosystem Services and Land Use Research Centre (ECOLAND) of the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), and Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) organization. In addition, several other higher education institutions, NGOs, networks and consultants are collaborating to implement different interventions.
• Le Chapitre 6 de l’arrêté royal du 11 septembre AR 2016, incluant les adaptations de 2021 et 2024 concernant la coopération non gouvernementale (Suivi, Rapportage et Justification de l'intervention - Dispositions générales) ;
• L’article 44. §1er. « L’organisation subventionnée organise des évaluations, pour suivre ses interventions, en tirer des leçons et rendre des comptes, sur base d’un plan d’évaluation ».
Cette obligation légale vise à assurer que les interventions financées par des fonds publics soient suivies de manière rigoureuse, que les leçons nécessaires soient tirées pour améliorer les actions en cours et futures, et que la transparence et la redevabilité envers les parties prenantes et les donateurs soient garanties.
D’une manière spécifique, la présente évaluation aura comme finalités de :
1) Rendre compte des résultats atteints et en voie de l’être après cette première phase d’exécution par rapport aux prévisions initiales.
2) Dresser une série de bilans spécifiques, d’analyses des facteurs de réussite et d’échec, et d’en tirer les leçons utiles afin de renforcer les apprentissages.
3) Proposer des recommandations pertinentes et réalistes à appliquer sur le terrain découlant des informations collectées en vue de faciliter la prise de décisions.