- Créé par Lawrence PIETERS
- Le 21/03/2024
- 18192021Dans Services Évaluation via site officiel Belgique
Lijst details
Organisation : Plan International Belgique
Geschat bedrag van het contract : 80000 euros
Openbare markten : oui
Uitvoeringstermijn : 26/04/2024 au 31/12/2024
Publicatie datum : 15/03/2024
Inlever deadline : 17/04/2024
Contactpersoon : geraldine.lamfalussy@planinternational.be
The overall aim of the mid-term evaluation is to have a participatory learning process for Plan staff and partners who are part of the DGD Programme. The evaluators will be asked to assess with a gender lens and a human rights-based approach how Plan International and its partners can learn from the current programme methodologies, approaches and mechanisms as means employed to reach the expected impact and outcomes and what can be strengthened in the second half of the programme and sustained in the longer run.
Samenvatting van de verwachtingen van de leveranciers
The mid-term evaluation should in each country achieve the following:
- Consider the baseline, target and actual values of the programme’s indicators halfway through the programme, and explore why some of the targets have not been reached or have been exceeded through the triangulation of different data sources, analysis of changes in the context, and consultation with key stakeholders;
- Answer one specific evaluation question related to one of the programme’s Areas of Global Distinctiveness (AoGD) and describe the progress status of the corresponding result;
- Assess the effectiveness of the methodologies and approaches used to target youth and enhance youth participation and leadership;
- Evaluate the progress status of the gender transformative ambition of the programme.
The above objectives will be contextualized to the programme in each country, the progress in the roll out of the activities, the stakeholders, etc.