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Final Evaluation UpScale & FES Projects Cambodia

  1. Créé par Christophe GOOSSENS
  2. Le 01/10/2021
  3. 1819Dans Services Évaluation

Listing details

Organisation : Eclosio
Estimated duration : 44 jours
Estimated amount of the contract : 120000 euros
Publication date : 01/10/2021
Contact person :

Market summary

The final evaluation of two projects, UpScale project implemented by Eclosio and FES project implemented by Louvain-Coopération in Cambodia. The two University NGOs are together launching the final evaluation of their respective projects parts of the Uni4Coop 5-year program. The evaluation will be commonly implemented in order to retrieve essential lessons learn to support their common future program in Cambodia. Deadline for application is October 25, 2021. 

Summary of the expectations of the providers

Objective of the evaluation:


The DGD requires all DAC criteria to be evaluated, specifically regarding Effectiveness and Sustainability on the level of the SO. The other criteria may be addressed on parts of the program, in specific questions, not forgetting the contribution to JSF, mainstreaming of gender and environmental aspects.


Analyze the impact of the planned partnership relationships and participatory implementation of this program.

Identify Critical Areas for Improvement in relation to the design, implementation, or the M&E of the program.

The primary users are:

The final evaluation is a duty of accountability to the DGD, the main donor.

The underlying objective is to reflect on partnership relations, the partners of this program will be the privileged users.

UNI4COOP and JSF: conclusions and lessons learned will be shared among other ACNGs.

The results of the final evaluation will also be shared with other cooperation actors and the general public through the websites of LC and Eclosio and the DGD website.

The period covered by the evaluation is: 

The final evaluation will cover the entire duration of the project from 2017 to 2021 with particular attention to the 2 last years in which the major adaptations have taken place.

The tentative period for the implementation of the evaluation is December 2021 and January 2022.

In view of the above purpose and objectives, the evaluation will address a set of criteria and related key questions. For more details refer to Annex 4: Table of Lead Questions by common Results (UpScale and FES).