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Final evaluation of the DGD Funded Programme: ‘Protection des communautés, peuples indigènes et leurs forêts tropicales’ (2017-2021)

  1. Créé par Wannes VERBEECK
  2. Le 17/09/2021
  3. 18192021Dans Services Évaluation Via email Congo, République Démocratique du

Listing details

Organisation : WWF Belgium
Estimated amount of the contract : 80000 euros
Public markets : oui
Publication date : 15/10/2021
Contact person :

Market summary

The “Protection des communautés, peuples indigènes et leurs forêts tropicales” programme is a WWF Belgium programme, funded by the Belgian Directorate-general Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD). The main goal of this 5-year programme (2017-2021) is to reduce deforestation and its negative impact on the socio-economic situation of local communities in 3 countries: Cambodia, Ecuador and DRC (Mai Ndombe and North Kivu provinces).


Summary of the expectations of the providers

The primary purpose of this independent evaluation required by DGD is to both account for the results achieved by the programme between 2017 and 2021 and to draw a set of lessons learned and recommendations that will guide WWF Belgium's future strategies, programmatic priorities, and implementation approach. It will detail how and to what extent the results were achieved (and if not, why), to further improve effectiveness and impact before scaling up and/or replicating these actions. The evaluation will capture the main challenges faced, as well as the programme's adaptability to respond to these. Moreover, WWF Belgium would also welcome specific recommendations when it comes to programme sustainability.