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Lijst van publicaties

Display 271 - 280 of 312
Titel Type Langues Auteur Publicatie datum Bijwerken
Bringing the invisible into perspective Manuels et guides EN European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) 09/12/2014 27/07/2020
Travailler avec les organisations et le changement social Manuels et guides FR, EN Le collectif aux pieds nus 09/12/2014 28/07/2020
Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building: Is it really that difficult? Étude EN Nigel Simister & Rachel Smith (INTRAC) 09/12/2014 27/07/2020
Practical Guidelines for the Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building Étude EN Rick James (INTRAC) 09/12/2014 27/07/2020
‘Quick and Dirty’ Evaluation of Capacity Building Étude EN Rick James (INTRAC) 09/12/2014 27/07/2020
Dealing with the Dilemmas in Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity Building Étude EN Rick James (INTRAC) 09/12/2014 27/07/2020
Assessing Change in Capacity Development: Points for Consideration Présentation EN Brenda Lipson (INTRAC) 09/12/2014 27/07/2020
Open gesprek met Katrien Degrauwe (DGD) over Capaciteitsversterking Rapport NL ngo-federatie 09/12/2014 27/07/2020
The Most Significant Change Technique Étude EN Asian Development Bank 09/12/2014 17/02/2015
La technique du changement le plus significatif Étude FR, EN Fonds de Soutien Tiers-Monde 08/12/2014 04/02/2015
