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Trainer(s) specialist Early childhood intervention/detection

  1. Créé par Carla DI NICOLA
  2. Le 10/06/2021
  3. 18192021Dans Services Formation Via email Croatie

Lijst details

Organisation : Médecins du Monde ASBL - Dokters van Wereld VZW
Openbare markten : oui
Publicatie datum : 10/06/2021
Inlever deadline : 20/06/2021


I.  Position Information

Post title (external consultant(s)): Trainer(s) specialist Early childhood intervention/detection (ECI/ECD)

Employer: Médecins du Monde ASBL - Dokters van Wereld VZW

Programme: Phase III: Testing the Child Guarantee in Medjimurje County” - OUTREACH 4 EQUALITY - Outreach ECI/ECD Community-Based Services for young children, birth through seven years of age, who have or are at-risk for developmental delays or disabilities, and their families in the Medjimurje County

Location: Međimurje County, Croatia 


Samenvatting van de verwachtingen van de leveranciers


III. Goals and responsibilities

In line with the above mission statement and objectives of the programme “OUTREACH 4 EQUALITY”, MDM-BELGIQUE Trainer(s) specialist Early childhood intervention/detection (ECI/ECD) will ensure the following duties and tasks:

  • Developing and conducting training programme that would cover the following topics/sessions:
  • Training session on ECI/ECD concept/principles covering essential aspects of prevention, early identification, early intervention, family-based approach, referral, nutrition, social protection, responsive parenting culturally responsive practice; integrated case management, etc. - to enhance team members’ skills for identifying children at risk of developmental delay or disability and to be able to refer them to appropriate services providers.
  • Session focused on developing with team members activity plan of different ECI/ECD outreach services to maximize coverage by MdM field team to identify children who need early intervention or special education services (selection of topics for workshops, prioritization plan of beneficiaries’ categories to be covered on through which activities- such as infants, under 18 pregnant women, etc.). Activity plan will use planned format of activities in 5 project locations:
  • Individual health info prevention consultations by MdM nurse and MdM health staff external associates (paediatrician and gynaecologist) with community workers.
  • Group health info prevention sessions by MdM nurse and MdM health staff external associates (paediatrician and gynaecologist) with community workers.
  • Individual and group MHPSS activities by MdM psychologist with community workers.
  • Individual social consultations consisting in continuous provision of information about rights/how and where and to access rights as well as support to referral to health primary care, specialised (health) care and/or other specialised services - especially for children who have or at risk for developmental delays or disabilities. As much as possible, it also includes support to referrals such as organisation of referrals & transport to services when not free/available (for children who have or at risk for developmental delays or disabilities; and other most vulnerable persons/at risk- when possible).
  • Session on screening questionnaire tool (child find system) that will be implemented by MdM nurse and MdM psychologist to identify children who need early intervention or special education services. Example of questionnaire : Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (https://agesandstages.com/about-asq/who-uses-asq/child-find/). Similar questionnaire can be suggested by trainer(s).
  • Session focused on developing referral system/pathway with team members for children who need early intervention or special education services (based on some concrete cases used as case studies) - including description of screening, prevention, intervention measures and referrals to be implemented. 
  • Session on work ethic principles (humanity, neutrality, impartiality, independence, confidentiality in the workplace, etc.).

Training format: Training programme shall last 3-5 days minimum and will be conducted in person in Roma settlement Kuršanec (Medjimurje County).

  • Producing the following deliverables:
  • Training agenda (in Croatian/English)
  • Report on training programme conducted (min. 15 pages in Croatian and English) to be used as manual for training participants (reflecting main session of training such as ECI/ECD concept/principles, activity plan developed during training, screening questionnaire with advice for conduction, referral system/pathway developed during training, work ethic principles, etc.).
  • Signed participants list (original).
  • Pictures from training.
  • Evaluation forms fulfilled by participants (fulfilled) and 2 pages report in English about results.


VII. Submission of applications

Interested trainer(s) must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications to Julie Cellier assistant.croatia@medecinsdumonde.be :

(i) Cover letter(s) explaining why they are the most suitable candidate(s) for the assignment

(ii) Updated CV(s)

(iii) A brief methodology on how they will conduct the training programme

(iv) Financial proposal: The applicant shall present a detailed financial proposal, with a detailed cost breakdown: (i) Professional fees (daily consultancy rate, number and level of professionals on the proposed team included in the quotation); (ii) Travel-related expenses (including international and local travel; travel cost must be the most economical and most direct route, economy class air ticket only); (iii) Translation (if applicable), and (iv) Accommodation costs arising from planned visits, as well as other costs related to administrative tools, translations, communication, etc. Please provide the all-inclusive price to deliver professional services in accordance with the Terms of Reference. The price must include all costs to be borne by the applicant for undertaking the specific assignment.

Final date of receipt of the application files: 20/06/2021 at 23h59 p.m. Brussels time