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Estimation du degré de maturité organisationnelle en Gestion de Projet

  1. Créé par LINGOS
  2. Année de publication : 2015

Un outil développé par le secteur ONG (LINGOS) pour mesurer le degré de maturité de votre organisation en gestion de projets.


Purpose:  This tool is designed to help facilitate discussion and action planning for improved project management within your organization.  Our hope is that this tool can map out a plan for getting from where your project is now to where it needs to be to ensure quality programs and to meet the PMD Pro Minimum Standards for Project Management.  We recommend using this tool in an interactive, participatory manner, such as in a workshop setting.  The information should be used for planning purposes.

There are two analyisis tabs in this worksheet, each assessing the maturity of your project phases, and the disciplines by which you run them. In the score column, rate your team on a scale of 0 (No or Never) to 5 (Yes or Always). Each section will average up your scores and transfer them to spider diagrams on the Assessment tab.

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